1) Start selling on Heavygadgets
Selling online is a dream for the new age. Sitting in your pajamas and watching the money roll in. It seems like more and more people are doing it — average people — but how? Turns out if you have a decent product, you’re halfway there. With a bit of time to research your storefront possibilities, you could join that list of self-starting entrepreneurs by tomorrow morning. Who Knows?
All you have to do is create a seller account, list your products, and wait for the orders to roll in. Well, that’s the gist of it at least.
Heavygadgets is huge. Be sure to offer competitive pricing and bargain shipping rates to begin with. You’ll be better off once you have tons of high ratings and positive feedback.
2) Know your options
This is a daunting process; so let’s break it down. Here are your three basic options when it comes to the format of your online business:
Use an established marketplace. This is like Heavygadgets. You don’t have to do much of anything but have a product you can deliver on; the rest is done for you.
Use an ecommerce site to set up your own storefront. This is an open source project or hosting solution that’s basically your own site but everything (analytics, templates, etc.) is taken care of for you. It’s a happy medium between doing nothing and doing everything.
Listing Plan
We have design listing plans of different categories
Listing your Product
Prohibited Products
We do have a list of prohibited products, please make sure this product are not included in the products you are listing on our website, for more information click on Prohibited Product or copy this link “https://heavy-gadgets.com/prohibited product”
3) Marketing and Advertising
Constantly be marketing and advertising. You are your own boss. You’re self-employed and now your job is to get yourself and your business out there. It’s great, but it’s sort of a 24/7 gig. In order to get that steady flow of customers, you got to push. Here are a few ideas:
Stay up on your social media. Do you really have to tweet again today? Yes. The answer is yes.
Get in touch with other bloggers. Getting active in a community will start establishing your credit and reputation. Especially if it’s bloggers within a niche community.
Get into Google Analytics. It’s totally free, too. You’ll see where your customers are coming from and what they’re looking for.
Consider advertising on other sites. Hey, it takes money to make money, after all.
4) Use social media to promote your business
Social networks are the preferred way of communication for many people around the world and by having a presence on these networks, you have a way of building relationships with prospective customers. However, not all social networks are created equally, and if you’re just starting out, it’s important not to stretch yourself too thin by being on every network. Instead, figure out where the majority of your audience hangs out, and work on growing your presence there. As an example, if you’re a women’s fashion boutique, you may find that Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook are the networks you should focus on, whereas if you’re a B2B eCommerce site, perhaps LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter and FB would make more sense.
And on those social networks, promote yourself. Talk about your shop. Showcase your products. Tweet photos. Update your status about promotions. Get the word out however possible.
And as for YouTube, that’s probably pretty self-explanatory. If you have a face the camera loves and a good sales pitch, create your own channel. Maybe you’ll go viral!
5) Getting paid
Have a trusty way of getting paid. Unless your customers are all old blue hairs who live in the ages of P.O boxes and checks, you’ll need some type of payment gateway. This is usually a fancy term for PayPal. Depending on the volume of your sales, they’ll take 2.2% to 2.9% from each transaction. A pittance to pay with how easy they make it.
You could get a credit card merchant account yourself, yes. You could also use a different gateway like 2Checkout or Authorize.net. Do a little searching on the Internet to see who skims the least off the top and what’s best for your business needs if you’re not comfortable using PayPal.6) Making a Profit
Know your shipping options. You have your shop and you have your product and the orders are coming in — now how do you fill them? Turns out you don’t have to keep making trips to the post office every half hour! Here are two options to consider:
You can hire out a third-party provider to store your inventory in its warehouses. They’ll then get you the cheapest rates for shipping and you just have to let them know when the orders need to be fulfilled.
Then there’s this magic called “drop shipping.” You get a wholesale shipper who takes on the inventory risk, keeps their own inventory, and you just transfer over customer orders when they come in. You have significantly less control, but it’s less money down.
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Last Updated: 3/09/2024